July 17, 2012


 I finally got it! BORN's new single BLASTED ANIMALS. I ordered this about 2 weeks ago along with a shirt from CDJapan, which is why it took so long for it to arrive. But it doesn't matter, because now it's here, and I love it. (^_^) I had watched the PV and listened to the song earlier, but I hadn't heard the other 2 songs that are included in the single. I like them all, but BLASTED ANIMALS the most! Got a sweet card with it as well, hoho.

And here's the shirt. It looks good!

July 15, 2012

Stockholm archipelago

Earlier this week I was invited to one of my friend's summerhouse which is located on an island called Yxlan in Stockholm archipelago! So I went there from Wednesday till Sunday (today) with a couple of friends. I had never been to the Stockholm archipelago before so it was exciting to be there! It was very beautiful and calm, even though there were many surrounding neighbours and a lot of motor boats driving by. I can't say that we had the best weather... It was mostly cloudy everyday and it even rained a few times, but it was real nice when the sun showed itself!

We didn't really do anything special, besides from being on board a 100 year old steamboat. We brought a lot of alcohol with us, so for the most part we just socialized and enjoyed some beer. (^_^) Of course we did the usual stuff, some bathing, barbecuing, etc. But nothing else, really. D:

I didn't take many pictures because I don't have a good camera, and my phone is from the Stone Age (I really need a new one soon!). (≧σ≦) But here are some...

View from the guesthouse that we stayed in. Our house wasn't the most attractive, since it was merely a guesthouse. But to the far left on the picture you can see the red roof of the main house, which is where the family lived and where we went for food and such.

The bridge where we bathed, and some boats (the sailing boat belonged to some other people that were also visiting).

Some beer that we brought. There was one more flat, but it didn't fit in the refrigerator.

I brought my neko that I bought at UppCon 12. I still don't have a name for it. -`д´-

We played a board game called Trivial Pursuit. It was freaking ridiculous, no one barely knew any of the questions. This particular set was from the '70s or something, the cards said "Soviet" instead of "Russia".

Rain. ヽ(#`Д´)ノ

Enjoying a smoke with a friend, 6 in the morning. This was the night where everyone got drunk. Me and another guy stayed up and chatted for a few hours after everyone went to bed. It was very nice outside, lovely morning!

And this is the only picture of me! (*^▽^*)

I had a really great time, it is the last vacation week for me after all... So it was nice to get away and relax for a while. School starts tomorrow, oh no!

July 7, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

Today I went to the cinema and watched the new Spider-Man movie! It was good and I liked it, although I still prefer Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker, at least lookswise. But I like Andrew Garfield and the Lizard is my favourite Spider-Man villain, so that's a plus I guess. Lizard's face kinda bugged me in this movie though, it was too human... D: And he didn't wear his lab coat while fighting! (;*△*;)

I'm still not sure if it was better than the first Spider-Man movie, they're both good in their own ways guess. I think I'm gonna have to watch both of them again before I decide.

July 5, 2012

Future plans

My biggest dream currently is to live in Japan (and to master the drums, but that's another story). I was supposed to fulfill that dream by moving to Japan to study the language for 1,5 to 2 years at ARC Academy Osaka in October this year, but things didn't go as planned... After graduating from my school here in Sweden in June earlier this year, I had failed tremendously with my grades. I didn't attend school so much my last year due to personal reasons, which I deeply regret now since I won't be able to go to Japan in October.

In order for me to go to Japan, I need the support of CSN (CSN is the authority in Sweden who is in charge of student aid and home equipment loans) since studying in Japan is not free and I don't have the money to pay for this myself, so I need a loan... In order for my loan to be granted by CSN, I need to have graduated school with 2250 points in grades, and I only had 1650 points, so my loan was declined since I was missing 600 points.

But don't worry! Moving to Japan has only been postponed. I pretty much have everything ready and I've already been accepted to the school in Japan, there's only the 600 points missing. So this autumn, I'm just going to study some more to complete the courses that I failed and get the 600 points that I'm missing! Although I've been given the option to choose new courses now, so I've chosen Japanese as a new course and will be studying that now as well. (*^▽^*)

I start my new courses July 16th and they will be completed somewhere around new year! I will be going to Japan either in January or April next year instead, to study at ARC Academy Osaka.

I hope everything goes as planned this time. Wish me luck! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

July 1, 2012


I pierced my ears this wednesday, it's the first time that I've ever pierced myself, anywhere. 2 in the right ear and 1 in the left ear. :)

Below are pictures. There's some blood, so if you're sensitive, skip them. D:

I noticed my right ear started bleeding on my way home, so I had to take a photo with my cellphone to see how much blood there was. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

After I woke up, my left ear had bled a whole lot, ouch. ~(>_<~)

On the pillow.
My left hand. I don't know if I slept on it or something.

It looks pretty good when it's clean! The "helix" one hurts now afterwards though, whenever I touch it.