March 31, 2013


Earlier this week I got notified that I've been accepted to ARC Osaka (language school) in Japan


So I will be starting my studies there sometime in July, and will most likely move there at the end of June. Although it's not written in stone yet since I still have to apply for a money loan from CSN, it feels good! There shouldn't be any problems with CSN this time though, I meet all their requirements now. I will know for sure later in April when the school sends me all the papers I need to apply for a loan. (^_^)

Exciting stuff!

Friday I went to Stockholm to meet up with Daniel, to go out for some drinks! I also met Tsuomasu and Heikki from Finland, domyoji, Mio and many others there. It was so nice and so much fun meeting new people. One of the best nights I've had in a really long time. I wish I could've stayed for the entire weekend and keep the fun going, but sadly I had to leave saturday morning since I was going to my family's summer place to enjoy delicious Easter food and whatnot.

Oh well, thank you all for an amazing night!♥

With Daniel (^_−)☆

I also bought a pair of circle lenses before and I tried them out for the first time today.

Have some pics!

Looks so nice~
Satisfied and well purchased. Thanks!



  1. Woa, Lucky man! I wanna go to Japan too and study the language.(´д`)

    1. If it's something you really want, you should strive for it! :)

  2. Congratulations! ^^ I hope you'll have a good time when you move there!~♥

    1. Thank you! I hope so too, and I am sure I will. (^_^)
